For a Better Life


Diseases That Look Like Lipedema

Lipedema is a complex and often misunderstood condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat in the legs and arms.  Awareness and recognition of lipedema is poor in the public and among medical professionals which leads to some women who have lipedema not being diagnosed with lipedema.  The opposite can occur.  Not everyone who has large legs and ankle cuffs and appears to have lipedema condition actually suffers from it. There are several other conditions and diseases that can mimic the appearance of lipedema, making accurate diagnosis essential for effective treatment.  Mis-diagnosis of lipedema leads to improper treatment so it is important to be careful and thorough. 

What is Lipedema?

Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by the abnormal and symmetrical accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue  [fat]  in the legs, arms, and sometimes other body parts. Unlike ordinary obesity, the fat deposits in lipedema are painful or tender and do not respond well to conventional diet and exercise, often remaining unchanged even as other body fat decreases. The condition typically progresses through stages, from mild enlargement of the limbs to more severe cases where mobility is significantly affected. Lipedema is also marked by a tendency to bruise easily and may include symptoms such as fibrosis, which is a thickening and hardening of tissue. While it is believed to have a genetic component, lipedema almost exclusively affects women and is often linked to hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Coexisting conditions such as lymphedema, which involves swelling due to lymph fluid buildup, and venous insufficiency are common. 

The Challenge of Diagnosing Lipedema

Diagnosing lipedema is not straightforward. It cannot be done solely by looking at photos or observing symptoms, as several other conditions look similar. Accurate diagnosis requires a comprehensive medical history, thorough physical examination, and often, diagnostic testing. Unlike other medical conditions, no blood or objective laboratory test can definitively diagnose lipedema.

Getting a diagnosis for lipedema involves several steps, primarily because it’s often misunderstood and can be confused with other conditions like obesity or lymphedema. Here’s a typical process for obtaining a lipedema diagnosis:

  1. Medical History Review: The first step is a thorough review of the patient’s medical history. This includes discussing symptoms, family history of similar issues, and any changes in the condition related to life events such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause since lipedema is known to be hormonally influenced.
  2. Physical Examination: A healthcare provider, often a specialist in lymphatic disorders, will perform a physical examination. They look for the typical pattern of fat accumulation (symmetrical and sparing the feet and hands), skin texture changes, such as subcutaneous spheroids, and signs of pain or bruising. Part of the exam must include a test for nonpitting and pitting edema. This includes The Bjork or Bow Tie test, testing the texture of the skin with light pressure, and a Stemmers test on the feet and hands. 
  3. Symptom Assessment: The provider will assess symptoms like pain, tenderness, and easy bruising in the fatty areas, which are characteristic of lipedema.
  4. Ruling Out Other Conditions: Since no specific test can definitively diagnose lipedema, part of the diagnosis process involves ruling out other conditions. This may include tests for lymphedema (such as lymphoscintigraphy), venous insufficiency (using Doppler ultrasound), and sometimes heart or kidney conditions that can also cause limb swelling.
  5. Specialist Consultations: Patients might be referred to various specialists, including those skilled in vascular medicine, dermatology, or bariatric specialists, to further analyze symptoms and eliminate other potential causes.
  6. Imaging Tests: In some cases, imaging tests such as MRI, ultrasound, or CT scans can be used to observe the distribution of fat and check for other abnormalities.
  7. Lipedema Staging: If lipedema is diagnosed, the doctor may stage the disease based on its severity and progression. Staging helps in planning appropriate treatment and management.
  8. Educational Resources and Support: Patients are often provided with information about the condition and directed towards support groups and resources to help manage the emotional and physical impacts of lipedema.

Getting a correct diagnosis of lipedema can be challenging due to a general lack of awareness about the condition even among medical professionals. Patients might need to consult with multiple healthcare providers before receiving an accurate diagnosis.

Common Lipedema Lookalikes

Here are some conditions that can be confused with lipedema:

Other Lipomatosis and Fat Disorders:

  • Madelung’s Disease is characterized by multiple painful subcutaneous tissues that can be mistaken for the fat nodules typical of lipedema.

  • Dercum’s Disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) involves the growth of painful lipomas across the body, which are often misidentified as lipedema.

  • Acquired Lipodystrophy is a condition in which fat tissue is lost or redistributed, and it can sometimes present similarly to lipedema.

Vascular and Lymphatic Conditions:

  • Iliac Vein Compression: This can cause leg swelling and pain, similar to symptoms seen in lipedema.

  • Lymphedema: Often coexists with or is mistaken for lipedema; involves swelling due to lymphatic fluid accumulation.


Endocrine Diseases:

  • Obesity: Generalized obesity can be confused with lipedema, but the fat distribution and other symptoms usually differ.
  • Prader Willi Syndrome

Importance of Differential Diagnosis

The need to differentiate lipedema from these lookalikes is crucial. Misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate treatments, which may not only fail to help but could potentially cause harm. For instance, treatments beneficial for lipedema, like certain types of massage or compression, may not be appropriate for conditions like Dercum’s disease.

Diagnostic Steps and Testing

To rule out other conditions, healthcare providers might recommend various tests such as:

  • Ultrasound and MRI: To check for venous insufficiency or deep vein issues.
  • Lymphoscintigraphy: Specifically useful in diagnosing lymphedema.
  • Biopsy: Rarely, but sometimes necessary to rule out other fat disorders.

Patients and healthcare providers must be thorough in the diagnostic process to ensure that the treatment plan is appropriate for the actual condition.

Recognizing that not every case of apparent lipedema is indeed a critical step in getting correct care. Patients who are misdiagnosed often experience frustration due to ineffective treatments and poor outcomes. By understanding and identifying lipedema lookalikes, patients can be directed toward the proper care and management they truly need.

Through careful examination and consideration of all possible conditions, healthcare providers can ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans, ultimately leading to better patient health outcomes. For more visual understanding, watch this informative video that discusses the complexities of diagnosing conditions that mimic lipedema below.


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Meet Dr. Wright

Dr. Wright

Meet Dr. Thomas Wright, medical director of Laser Lipo and Vein Center. Dr. Wright is a board certified Phlebologist and cosmetic surgery specialist, with over 15 years of practicing experience. A graduate of the University of Missouri Columbia medical program, Dr. Wright was one of the first two hundred surgeons to become a diplomate in Phlebology.

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